
**** Books
Howe, W. A., & Lisi, P. L. (2019). Becoming a multicultural educator: Developing awareness, gaining skills, and taking action.3e. SAGE.
Howe, W.A. & Gabriel, M. L. (2015). Multicultural Education: From Ethnic Studies to NCLB to Common Core—a PK-12 Perspective in Multicultural Education: A Renewed Paradigm of Transformation and Call to Action. Caddo Gap Press.
Howe, W. (2010) Contributor to Storied Inquiries in International Landscapes: An Anthology of Educational Research, Edited by: Tonya Huber-Warring, St. Cloud State University. IAP – Information Age Publishing.
Howe, W. et al. (2007) “The Role of Government in Advancing Gender Equity in
Education.” In Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity through Education, 2nd
Edition. Erlbaum
Gorski, P., Heidelbach, R., Howe, W., Jackson, M., and Tell, S. (2000). Forging communities for educational change with email discussion groups, pp. 73-86 in Gorski, P. (Author, Ed.), Multicultural Education and the Internet: Intersections and Integrations. McGraw-Hill
Howe, W. “Developing and Nurturing Professional Relationships” in The Adult Educator as
Consultant. Lois J. Zachary, Sally Vernon, EDITORS. No. 58, Summer 1993.
Jossey‑Bass Publishers.
**** Journal Publications
Howe, W. (Fall, 2009) “Parting Words: Remembering Ronald Takaki” MultiCultural Review, Lutz, FL.
Carjuzaa, J.; Davis –Fuller, E; Fenimore-Smith, J .K.; Howe, W.; Kugler, E.; London, A; Ruiz, I.;
Shin, B.; Drawing Parallels in Search of Educational Equity: A Multicultural Education
Delegation to China Looks Outside to See Within(Multicultural Perspectives, Volume
10, Issue 1 January 2008 , pages 35 – 40)
Gorski, P., Heidelbach, R., Howe, W., Jackson, M., and Tell, S. (2000). Forging communities
for educational change with email discussion groups, pp. 37-42, Multicultural
Perspectives, Vol. 2, No. 4. Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.
Howe, W. & Pang, V. (September, 2000) “Overcoming Resistance to Multicultural Discourse through the Use of Classroom Simulations” MultiCultural Review.
Lisi, P. & Howe, W. (September, 1999) “Supporting Teachers in Becoming Multicultural
Educators: A Model Staff Development Program” MultiCultural Review.
Howe, W. & Lisi, P. (May/June, 1995) “Focusing on Diversity – Strategies for Adult Educators” ADULT LEARNING. Volume 6, No. 5, 19-21, 31, American Association on Adult & Continuing Education
Howe, W., Vernon, S.; Vericker, W.; Zachary, L., “Consulting: the Adult Education Business of the 90’s“; ADULT LEARNING. September/October 1994, Volume 6 , Number 1. American Association on Adult & Continuing Education.
Howe, W.; Russett, C.; & Vericker, W., “How to Nurture Informal Learning” TRAINING Magazine. Vol. 29, No.6, June, 1992, p.12‑14. Lakewood Publications.
**** Book Reviews
Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education, Multicultural Perspectives, April, 2013
The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge – Human Resource Association of the Northeast. Summer 1994
**** Curriculum
Project M: Mentoring, Mathematical Minds. Reviewed mathematics curriculum
manuscript for the University of Connecticut Neag School of Education
for bias and multicultural infusion, 2003
Howe, W. Contributing Editor. (1997) Teacher’s Guide to the Ethnic Man! Education Program. Entertaining Diversity.
Beggs, R.; Fossen, B.; Hatch, M.; Howe, W.; Hepburn.; Moore, J.Special Education Handbook. Edmonton, Alberta. 1980. Alberta Department of Education.
Marlet, N., Howe, W.; et al, The Dependent Handicapped Child in the Regular Classroom. Edmonton, Alberta. 1980. Alberta Department of Education.
**** Technical Reports, Newsletters, and Bulletins
Howe, W. Developing a Model for a Multicultural Research and Education Center, ERIC
Clearinghouse on Urban and Minority Education (1996)